There are no restrictions on the practice of nutrition, however the state does provide for the licensure of nutritionists and dietitians, and protects certain titles. The law states:
Title 16, Chapter 112, Section 206: “No person shall hold himself out to be a licensed dietitian/nutritionist unless so licensed” under this law.
Additionally, Title 16, Chapter 112, Section 206 contains exemptions for the practice of nutrition, specifically that the law does not restrict someone from:
(c) furnishing information regarding food, food material, or dietary supplements;
(d) furnishing information about food, food products, or dietary supplements to customers in connection with the marketing and distribution of such items;
(e) practicing a health profession that he is otherwise authorized to practice under chapter 112 of the General Laws; or
(f) practicing a health profession that includes a dietetic or nutritional practice component, including, but not limited to, holistic medicine, naturopathic medicine, homopathic medicine, macrobiotics, ayurvedic therapy, polarity therapy, shiatsu therapy, massage therapy, and herbal therapy.